Pamer Lab

Ana Rita Almeida De Oliveira, PhD

Staff Scientist

Rita Oliveira is a microbiome researcher focused on the intricate roles of gut bacteria in human health and disease. In 2015, Rita joined the Integrative Biology and Biomedicine program at the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência to start a PhD under the supervision of Dr. Karina Xavier, where Rita investigated quorum sensing and its effects on gut microbiota dynamics and recovery from dysbiosis.

Rita joined Dr. Pamer’s laboratory in 2021 as a postdoctoral scholar, and in March 2025 she transitioned to her current role of Research Staff Scientist. Rita is exploring two distinct areas of research. One aspect involves developing human-derived bacterial consortia to combat opportunistic infections, such as Klebsiella pneumoniae. In parallel, Rita is investigating the impact of dietary components on gut microbiota composition and function, and its effects on the microbiota-host interactions

Rita is passionate about designing tailored probiotic cocktails that integrate these findings into personalized microbiome therapies. Her innovative approach combines statistical modeling with experimental biology to address the complexities of microbiota-diet-host-pathogen interactions, driving forward the field of microbiome research.

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